Monday, March 9, 2015

City employee loses house to fire

City employee loses house to fire A City employee, Alex Gonzalez suffered a tragic lost this week when their house, all of their belongings, and 3 cherished pets were lost in a devastating fire. City... More

HEB Presents the 2015 SCOC The Taste: All American

HEB Presents the 2015 SCOC The Taste: All American  Schertz Civic Center - 1400 Schertz Parkway. March 19, 2015 5pm - 8pm  Your tastebuds will come alive as you sample our... More

Cibolo Spring Clean Up

CIBOLO  Saturday, March 28TH - April 5TH.  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  DROP OFFS MAY BE MADE AT  BEXAR WASTE’S COLLECTION POINT  2221 FM 3009 (NEAR LIVE OAK ROAD).  For... More

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